Here's a list of articles, blogposts, books and websites I find inspiring or thought provoking or just downright useful:
[new] Revolution from Within: A Book of Self-esteem {Amazon Associate link} Gloria Steinem explores self-esteem and argues that it's never too late to have a happy childhood and make ourselves whole again. I'm currently re-reading this and highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from 'imposter complex' (book)
[new] Man Boy(cott)? blogpost by the FemaleScienceProfessor on the different responses to male-only speaker events (FSP blog, August 2010)
Where are the Women in Tech and Social Media? article by Allyson Kapin (Fast Company website, August 2009)
Are Women Invisible? blogpost by Helen Keegan (aka @technokitten) (Musings of a Mobile Marketer blog, August 2008)
A list of 170+ TED and TEDx talks by women compiled by Susan Macaulay (aka @AmazingWomen) (Amazing Women website, regularly updated) helps event organisers find female tech speakers. It's free to register as a speaker and enables you to showcase any previous speaking experience.